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Our Vision & Mission


To see young adults walk in life-long intimate relationship with Jesus Christ after having seen and encountering His transformative love and power for themselves.



One Look Ministries helps young adults see and encounter Jesus through a resource-rich community that leads them to welcome the Holy Spirit into their hearts for transformation in Him.



Our Brand Story

Tropical Leaves


On Seeing Jesus

Since God is Spirit, you may be wondering, "How in the world do I see Jesus?!" While we may not be able to see Him physically, we do have the ability to see Him spiritually. It's what we were created for and what our soul longs after. Seeing Jesus in this sense means to be enlightened about, to gain deeper understanding of, and to commune with intimately. Every single person has the ability to see Jesus - there's no special privileges, and God has no favorites.


When it comes to how to see Him, we can use Luke 24:13-25 (On the Road to Emmaus) as a framework. After Jesus rose from the dead, two of his followers were walking along Emmaus Road grieving the perceived loss of their savior. Then, the resurrected Jesus came and walked alongside them, but they were kept from recognizing Him. Eventually, Jesus opened their eyes to see Him, and they were forever impacted by what they saw.


In the same way, we can use this story to help us understand how we can see Jesus, and we can wait with anticipation knowing we'll be forever changed too.

01  Jesus will meet us where we are. No need to clean ourselves up. He comes to the dirtiest of places and the brokest of hearts.

'As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them' (v.14-15).

04  To see Jesus with our hearts, we often have to begin by inviting Him in FIRST.

'As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued as if he were going farther. But they urged him strongly, "Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over." So he went in to stay with them' (v. 28-29).

02 Seeing Jesus is a matter of the heart. So, mere proximity to Jesus does not mean that we see Him with the eyes of our heart.

'but they were kept from recognizing him' (v.16)



05  The opening of the eyes of our heart is the work of the Holy Spirit. It's in response to something HE does, not due to our own works. We simply welcome Him in and give Him permission to move.

'When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight'

(v. 30).

03  Jesus is not operating in secret. He WANTS you to see and know Him; and He's revealed Himself to humanity overtime.

'And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself' (v. 26-17).

06  Seeing Jesus with our hearts creates a desire for more and propels us to share the good news.

'They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, 'It is true! The Lord is risen and has appeared to Simon.' Then the two told what happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread'

(v. 32-35).

welcome him in,
give him permission to move,
share the good news

6 Principles of Seeing Jesus


A Bit About Me


Hi there! My name is Simone; I am 23 years old and from Chicago, Illinois. I'm not a theologian or a religious leader, just an ordinary girl who's seen Jesus in beautiful and extraordinary ways.


I created One Look Ministries to encourage young adults to go deeper in intimacy with Jesus and to foster a community they can depend on as they navigate their walk with Christ.

love Jesus,
love others

Above all, I'm passionate about pointing others to Jesus and sharing my raw, true, & imperfect walk with Christ. My prayer for you is that you'd respond to God's gentle tug to be filled with His overwhelming love and to share His love with others. People are dying to encounter the hope that is in Jesus, and you never know how God intends to use you to pull others closer to Him. Tell a friend to tell a friend. Jesus is too sweet to keep secret.


Outside of One Look, you can catch me studying (my fellow grad students, wya?), enjoying a good Sunday brunch, or journaling somewhere near a body of water.


Other important things we can't breeze past...

this or that







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