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What's your #OneLook?

Check out these videos to hear how other young adults are seeing and encountering Jesus in their everyday lives!




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Rashon B.

Rashon B.

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Kyla J.

Kyla J.

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Tropical Leaves

Want to share your #OneLook?

We'd love to hear it! Scroll down to learn how you can submit your video.


Record a 1-3 minute video of yourself explaining a time you've seen and encountered Jesus in your life! 

Please record in sufficient lighting and please note that while we welcome videos surrounding major life blessings or victories, One Look does NOT want every video to be centered around them. Jesus is in the air we breathe and in our lowest valleys so please feel free to share how you've seen Him in your routine day-to-day as well. It could be as simple as "I took a walk last week and saw Jesus in His creation" or "a friend gave me an encouraging word I really needed to hear."


When you're all finished recording your video, please e-mail the following items to

  • Your 1-3 minute video

  • Your first and last name

  • An appropriate photo of yourself

  • Any social media handles you'd like us to tag

When sending your submission, please title your e-mail 'My One Look' so the team can easily find your video submission.

(If your video file is too large to send via e-mail, please let us know and we'll inform you of an alternate submission method)


Check back on our website and Instagram handle to view your submitted video! 

We post a new #OneLook video every Friday, so please be patient!

Due to the nature of our ministry and our primary priority of glorifying God in all that we do, One Look reserves the right to refrain from posting a particular video if it does not align with our values, mission, and/or vision. 






and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the words of their testimony
revelation 12:11 kjv
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